Court Judgement For Capetown facility – Case Disposed

Dear Residents, 

This is Shyam Shankar

Please give a minute to this email as its very important. 

We found a  Copy of High court Judgement on handover of Facility & common Areas, which is filed by AOA, the case is Disposed. 

In this order, Court clearly said that Capetown AOA has not approached Noida Authority for Handover of Facility and Common Areas. Court has directed AOA to write to Noida Authority for Handover of maintenance within 2 weeks, which is a positive sign. 

5 Days already passed and AOA has not taken any action yet.

It is important that AOA Sends written Application to the Noida Authority for Handover of Maintenance within 2 weeks.

Remember 5 days already passed. 

Why AOA has not disclosed this with residents and has been hiding it? 

I would request you all to follow up with AOA President Capetown and push him to write an application to Chief Executive Officer Noida, as directed by Court

Below is the copy of Court Order and Judgement

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4 years ago

Why AOA President is not telling about this to residents?
He must send this in written to Noida Authority ASAP.

Satish Kumar Sharma
Satish Kumar Sharma
4 years ago

It seems that AoA is working for the builder AoA should approach to noida authority immediately.

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