Complaint Supertech: Electricity Issues & Refund for Per KV extra charges of 25k to every Owner

Dear Capetown Residents/Owners,We need your support to fight against Builder and Management for Electricity Related issues at Capetown. We are also going to take a refund on exorbitant charges paid to Supertech for Extra KV which is approximately INR 25k to 30k per flat. Please share your Email Address so that we can keep you […]

Supertech Charging extra Amount for Electricity Load

Supertech Capetown is Charging INR 30000 per KVA for electricity load. The amount being charged is 80% more than the Govt Authorized rates. Neither Supertech is giving a proper load of Electricity even on high Charges. What Action should we residents take to Stop Supertech from taking such unreasonable charges? Please give your comments and […]

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